Thursday, September 16, 2010

Better Late than Never

I tried to post these photos with the previous entry and then 2 other attempts after that, but alas the internet is just now allowing me to get them to you. They are more on the days of the Male Health Events. At present I am in the office for a week for all of the mid-service physical exams. They are not so fun, but hanging with friends in town afterward is quite enjoyable. I'm also getting more time at a computer (even though there's not great internet) than the my entire service to date! Next week I get to welcome my wonderful friends, Kevan and Evan, to Africa! Thus, the next post should be about our amazing adventures! Yay!

This was the second of the two Health Events. This massive tree actually covers a large crawl where the cows enter and then are herded to the 1 cow wide fenced path into a tic repellent bath. The men are sitting just outside of the crawl's entrance.

Both days LATICC came to test individuals for HIV. On the left is their mobile testing vehicle and on the right is our nearly completed board (later I painted a border on it and taped multiple different posters and health fliers onto it).

PSI did a really neat activity where they simulated how to get to your dreams or goals (a picture of an island) with major obstacles like HIV/AIDS, STIs, teenage pregnancy, etc (pictures of crocodiles and hippos) in the way. They then had a few people try to walk across a 2x2 in board (sexual abstinence)to the island. Some people could and others could not make it. Then they put another 2x2 board representing circumcision and condom use next to the other one. It was then much easier for the participants to get to the metaphorical island. I've seen and used this demonstration a few times, especially with youth. It is a great educational activity.

This was a picture of the first Health Event day at the Makhava Dip Tank site.

Vusi, my main counterpart and good friend, is presenting our newly finished board after a long day's worth of double board construction.