Tuesday, March 20, 2012

4 Day Conference

Tuesday March 13, 2012
Piggs Peak Hotel (Formally known as the Orion Hotel)

It might be hard to believe, but I’m typing this entry from the bar of one of the nicest hotels in Swaziland. I was able to come to this beautiful place as a participant in a Behavior Change Toolkit Training. This packet of implementation modules will hopefully help all of the NGOs (non-government organizations), faith based groups, and government branches educate effectively on topics of leading HIV prevention methods relevant to Swaziland. If you are interested, the drivers of the epidemic in this country have been identified as: early sexual debut (consensual or coercive), lack of condom use, lower numbers of males circumcised, and multiple concurrent partners (aka. multiple sexual partners during the same period of time). Only a few of these topics are specifically relevant to my kiddos who are already living HIV+, but the methodology and behavior change concepts have been pretty useful. Plus, they have a pool. :-)

This break from the office has really been needed. The last few weeks have really tested my resolve to stay in this position. Many days that add on overtime hours, a ridiculous amount of work, and a illogical hierarchical totem pole where I, as a young woman who is not getting paid, is on the very bottom rung. I thought living and working in a rural community with no running water and a non-existent timetable was difficult, but this is a whole different world of struggles. Please don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my kiddos. I LOVE what I get to do with/for them. I wouldn’t give this learning opportunity up for anything. But my stress levels have been showing a bit more, recently. A few more days in this bar and in the pool outside, and I should be set straight again.

I would fill you in on all the different aspects of my work life right now, but I don’t want to think anymore about that topic at the moment. Go to www.swazilandteenclub .com to see the most recent lesson plans that have been GREAT at Teen Club. Soooooo…. yeah, that is about it for the time being. Hope everyone is doing wonderfully!