Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pictures & Mail Call!

I have been getting a few questions about the types of wild life that I have encountered. Monkeys are by far the most interesting. All of the big animals are protected in the National Gamer Reserves, which I certainly hope to visit after integration (off of hut arrest :P). Scary note: I killed a baby scorpion in my room a few days ago. Yikes. 'Tis the season. :-/
Here is a better picture of the traditional attire I wore at my swear-in ceremony at the end of August. Both the bottom and top pieces of fabric are tied on. Happily, we had no wardrobe malfunctions that day.

This is my first Swazi home in Embasheni and the cuties that were always around. My hut now is round with thatched roofing, but I have yet to take a good picture, sorry. I'll get on that soon.

A fun self-timed photo (thanks to training by Kevan :-P) of some crazy PCVs during training. Surprisingly, the couch did not break.

The bugs are HUGE!!! All insects seems to be at least 2-3 times larger than they should be, but I haven't found one that was too big to kill with a shoe. Once that day arrives... I'm leaving!! Haha.

So I have yet again changed my mailing address. No worries if you have recently sent something to Matata, because I will still get it. Hluti is just a bit closer and easier to get to. Here it is:

Darryn Crocker, PCV
US Peace Corps
PO Box 158
Hluti, S409

1 comment:

  1. Darryn Crocker- Saw some African picks on Facebook and got interested in what you are doing. We are on similar tracks. I will be traveling to Kenya to assist as an HIV/AIDS counselor in November. We should start communicating and support each other while away from home. Maybe we could visit each other. I will be in a program that does not offer as much training as the Peasce Corps so it would be really helpful to me to hear of what you are learning. Sounds like everything is going well for you! I am happy to hear about your life!

    Julie DiFranco
