Friday, September 9, 2011

Apartment Pictures (post- unpacking hurricane)

This is my bedroom! To the left of the frame is built in closet cabinets.

This is actually a "before" picture of the kitchen, but not a lot has changed. We did get a fridge/freezer and a toaster!

This is the den or study. :-) The other side of the room has two stuffed bookshelves.

This picture was taken in the middle of the living room space. Directly left, out of the frame, is our entrance door. To the right, the hallway to my bedroom, the den, and bathroom. The glass doors behind the kitchen table go out to our small balcony. In the corner is the small stairwell up to Laura and Brandon's room and bathroom. To the left of the kitchen table is the kitchen.

This picture was taken standing infront of the kitchen table facing the living room! My favorite spot to sit is next to the lamp on the couch to the left. :-P

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