Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Becoming a Blogger!

This is officially the first time I have EVER blogged... cool. :-) I have only six days left in the country and there are a few truths I am realizing are very important:

1. My friends are the bestest in the whole wide world and I will miss them tons (I mean, "see you tomorrow" -aka DENIAL)!
2. I really hate packing with our without limits and lists.
3. Fingers are crossed that I will get cheese over there.... oh please oh please oh please... :-P
4. There never seems to be enough time to prepare - even though I applied over a year ago!

As promised here is my mailing address for the next couple of months:

Darryn Crocker, PCV
PO Box 2797
Mbabane H100, Swaziland

It takes 2-4 weeks on average to get things to and from me. I LOVE letters!!!! Even more so then e-mails and phone calls so PLEASE write. :-) I will be very very busy for the first couple of months and am told that it will be hard to update blogs, respond to e-mails, etc., but by early Sept. I will be moved into my new community and will get more of a communication routine down. So do not worry if you do not get your I (HEART) Swaziland postcard for a while. :-P

Thank you again everyone for the thoughts, PRAYERS, and bon voyage bash! I am so blessed to have you all in my life, whether I am in the country or not!! Huge hugs to all. XXXX


  1. Congratulations on your plunge into the world of blogging! (.com NOT .net) Well done.

    I look forward to hearing about the adventures God has for you. We know for certain they are "... plans to prosper..." May the Love He has given you flow forth!

    Again, thank you for the gift of your time this evening. It meant more than you know.

    Love and PRAYERS,

  2. Darryn,
    I can't think of someone more perfect for this adventure than you!
    Wishing you joy, fun, many blessings, and much cheese...

  3. Darryn,
    I hope you know that you are leaving a bit of your heart behind - each one of us is keeping a bit of it for safe keeping. All the time you are off on your adventure we are keeping you here - so fear not! Fly far! You can't ever really leave...
    Of course that means that you are taking a bit of us with you. May everyone you contact, out in the world, be touched with the faith we intrust to you...

  4. let me know if I can ever help with anything. You can find me on Skype - George P.

  5. Your Aunt Tammy misses you already. Please be safe. I will try to keep your mom busy...and your little sister out of trouble. (wish me luck on that one!)

    Love you...be good...see you soon.


  6. Good Luck Darryn!! We'll miss you, but I'm looking forward to learning all about Swaziland as I Google to see where you are :-) I'm on Skype too, if you can connect that way - andrea.curtis.tc
