Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Few More Pics!

Sorry guys, I am still trying to learn how to use this program. The last post was suppose to have more than one photo! Oh well. Here are some more, and I will get more pictures posted soon... I promise. Hugs!!

This picture is of the community project we did at a primary school during training. Of course, who would be thrown up there to entertain the kids... Zodwa and Nomathemba (Kate). We had a blast and every kid got a red and white yarn braclet to wear proudly.
I am now an official PC Volunteer! I even have the certificate to prove it. :-) I am also wearing a traditional Lahiya and sporting my new Swaziland flag bag that was a gift from the PC.

While away at a game reserve for a night I got to participate in traditional dancing! I ain't too shabby. :-)

We were so excited to finally spot some African animals. Yay to Zebras! Rachel is on the left and Kate is on the right.

I promised I would post a pic of the corn-rows... probably won't be doin' that ever again, but it was fun once.

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