Friday, August 20, 2010

Some photos

These are a few of the promised Male Health Event pictures, as well as some community photos taken when Claire came to visit back in June. Enjoy!

We hired a local builder to assist in the construction of the Health Education boards and also recruited a few young guys to join the party. All were astonished that I could do this kind of work.

Swazi team work. :-) I like this picture.

Claire is standing in the structure at my Umphakatsi called the KaGogo Center. Instead of sitting in the 3-5 hour siSwati meetings about small land disputes and dogs eating peoples' chickens every Wednesday, I sit in a little office in this building and do paper work. I'm still accessible to the community members, but can get the 5 minute summary of the meeting from the KaGogo Center manager and my friend, Vusi.

This is Sitilo. The "river" that runs somewhat near my homestead. My bus stop is thus called "Stilo". I have had the pleasure of washing clothes and fetching water from this stream.

Claire and I walked off the main road to see the community garden. It threatened rain but since it was our dry season we didn't think much about it. About an hours walk away from my home it started to rain. It has been the only true winter rain to date. I told her she brought the rain from Mbabane, but not to tell anyone in my community lest she be held against her will. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darryn! I love your blog! Can't stop laughing over your misunderstanding of "important". And you did indeed learn your culinary skills from your mother as I do not recall her EVER serving anything that did not come out of a can or box. If you ever mention to her the terms "home made" or "from scratch" she looks at you like you have a third eye in the middle of your forehead. Spent last weekend with grandpa. He's doing great. People in the neighborhood sure get a chuckle when they see Fred (the cat) walking with grandpa around the block. Although we can no longer walk around grandpa's block as Fred got in trouble with one of the neighbors. He was doing his "business" in the guys flower bed. So now we walk a different block. Guess that's all for now. Love and miss you. Aunt Mainey
