Friday, October 12, 2012

Thailand Pics 2

Mom and I riding elephants in Chiang Mai. This day also included a hike to a waterfall, white water rafting, bamboo rafting (Mom pushed me in), and a fried rice lunch. Perfect!
We learned how to cook Thai foods!! Mom's taking the picture, so there are now two Thai chefs in the family. :-)
Prachuap Khiri Khan in the southern part of Thailand. We walked to the top of this hill that had a wat (temple) that was completely over run with monkeys and school children. The view was lovely, though. We swam a ton here and in Hua Hin, which was also beautiful.
In Ayuthaya - the ancient capitol of Thailand (1350-1767). Fastinating ruins of temples cover the entire island city. We rented bikes and saw quite a few.
My favorite wat in Ayuthaya with this partial Buddha image encased by roots! Absolutely breathtaking! They don't know how it got there, but guess that when the Burmese sacked the city in 1767 it was moved and then discarded by this tree. The tree has been growing around it ever since.

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