Sunday, May 30, 2010

Photo Album #1 - Swazi Wedding

Since I have been absolutely awful about keeping this blog updated, I am attempting to catch you up through a small picture tour. Enjoy!

I had the opportunity to attend a traditional Swazi wedding. This includes two days of dancing, especially for the bride's family. The bride was first brought into the groom's (my Swazi Uncle) homestead. She was covered with a blanket, fur, feathers, and was bedecked in traditional wear. Myself and another volunteer, Scott, attended only the Saturday ceremony, but we had a blast! Here the bride is dancing with the young maidens.

Part way through the dancing all of the married women, including the bride, became topless! Here the bride and groom are dancing. The dancing was more like a rhythmic stomping toward the audience/groom's family and friends and then back to the bride's family.

These are the unwed maidens dancing for the bride and groom. They did the most difficult "dance" numbers.

I was asked to dance over toward the end of the ceremony!! My little niece, Nothando (in pink), jumped up to dance with me! After a few steps an older gentleman gave me what looks like a walking stick, which many people dance with.

I've got moves! :-P

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