Sunday, May 30, 2010

Photo Album #2

Still at the Swazi Wedding. In this picture are the “bridesmaids” and in the middle is the bride. A shout out to all my newly married or soon to be married friends: If your bridesmaids complain about their dresses show them this picture. :-)

After visiting my great friend Justine’s site for a night, I helped her paint the playground equipment her family built on their visit. This included more of the kind of art I know, children’s handprints! It was a lot of fun.

Justine and some of the children who attend this Neighborhood Care Point (NCP), which is like a pre-school for orphans and vulnerable children. They receive a meal a day here and have lessons.

Went on a 4x4ing adventure with the Broodryks on April 23rd. I think in America we call this off-roading, but it is a huge sport in South Africa! People have decked out vehicles that can take any kind of terrain! Then they all get timed on their runs of the full day course. I road in the sister vehicle to this beast with family friends of the Broodryks.

We were in the vehicles that helped pull participants out of the mud. Since it was a particularly rainy day, we did that a lot!

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