Sunday, July 18, 2010

More painting!

This last week I got to work a lot more on the bus stop murals and indirectly work on my tan. ;-) My amazing friends, Laura, Brandon, Justine, and my Colombian friend Andreas (visiting for a short few days) helped immensely!

This means "KEEP YOUR COUNTRY BEAUTIFUL" and the small words mean "Don't throw trash". Littering is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves here!

I made a blunder when shaking the red paint for this mural and the paint ended up in a massive puddle on the seat and the ground. With the creative genius of our amazing painting crew we decided to turn it into a massive heart. :-)

Andreas and I at the end of the day before washing the crazy amount of paint that got on us! In the words of Andreas, "Go mental!". Both of the murals he helped with were splatter painted. Fun fun, and more fun!

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