Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Neighbors :(

Hello Everyone! Just getting a little bit of time in our wonderful Mbabane office and thought it would be a good chance to write a quick blog. I'm actually waiting for a very important phone call. Next week, Thursday the 5th, will be the first day of my two day Male Health events. For this to go smoothly, I need to verify with the NGOs that they are going to participate in predetermined presentations. Contacting these individuals has been quite a bit more than stressful. LATICC (acronym that I don't remember exactly) will be doing a discussion on the importance of HIV testing and how to best communicate with one's partner(s). PSI (Population Services International - who I'm waiting on right now) will hopefully be doing condom demonstrations/practicals and male circumcision discussions with a sign-up for the procedure the following week. A community pastor will give an opening prayer and then answer questions regarding the Christian views on protecting oneself and family from HIV. The 5th and the 10th are going to be crazy, but hopefully all goes well... keep it in your prayers!! :-)

Yesterday I was up at the new volunteers' training venue for site announcements. Sadly, the group of us in the southeastern corner of the country will not be getting any new neighbors. :-( There are quite a few people in and around my shopping town, Nhlangano, so I will get to see them. The day before my first event next week I will be mentoring a new volunteer most likely from this cluster. They will get to help me stress out and put final planning touches on for the following day. Lucky bums! :-P

Well, I'm off to continue planning and gathering materials. Already have a bag of penis models for the condom demonstrations! There are some times in your life you wish your bags would be searched by police. HA!

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