Monday, April 25, 2011

Address Change

When I start working with the amazing staff and even more AMAZING kiddos at Baylor I will be living in Mbabane. The apartment hunt has started and the fact that all of them have running water makes me VERY excited!! Although I don't know exactly where I will be living yet I will be getting mail through the Peace Corps' office PO Box. This was the first address I gave you when first coming here, but I've also put it below.

Darryn Crocker
US Peace Corps
PO Box 2797
Mbabane H100

No worries if you already sent something to my Hluti address. We have paid through next April for that box. Just anything that you send out from here on would be better addressed to Mbabane. Thanks for the last two years of correspondence! It is always wonderful to hear from family and friends via mail/email/phone calls/facebook/WHATEVER!

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