Saturday, April 9, 2011

Future Plans

March 30th, 2011

Just yesterday I was accepted to extend my Peace Corps service in Swaziland for an additional year! I’ve been given the opportunity to volunteer with the Baylor Pediatric Center in Mbabane as the Teen Club Coordinator. This organization may sound familiar to you because I have been volunteering at their youth camps and monthly youth support groups for the majority of my Peace Corps service. Now I will be in charge of organizing them.

For everyone who has been dying to give me hugs and welcome me back onto American soil do NOT despair! I’m planning on cashing in on them soon! I will still be coming home in August or September for a full month. Then I will be returning, not to my lovely hut in the hot lowveld, but an apartment, with running water, in the much cooler capitol city. This extension will look much different than my first 2 years, but I’m sooooo looking forward to the change and challenge.

1 comment:

  1. That's great lady!!! Good for glad you are finding your and miss you. :)
