Monday, June 27, 2011

First Library Opening Ceremony

June 15, 2011

Since the books arrived into the communities, many teachers and students have been working very hard to get them ready to be shelved. All three schools in my community have been doing the same. Every week I dedicate one day to each school where they can use and abuse me. At the end of each session we collaborate and discuss what needs to be done by the following week’s visit. The three schools have been setting a different pace, but I am so very happy to report that the work IS getting done!

Makhava Primary has taken the lead in efficiency and dedication. Every week I would return to find our week’s goals and much more completed! On Tuesday I was planning on going to the school to assist in classroom tours of the new library. Before then, each teacher was responsible for teaching their students the basic parts of a book, the difference between fiction and non-fiction, and how to best handle and take care of books. These topics were all reviewed in a small teacher training the previous week.

When I arrived to the school I found the teachers a little more dressed up than usual. I was told that the teacher/librarian, who had worked so hard to get the library to this point, was putting the finishing touches onto the Program. What Program?! During the previous week they had done all the teachings and tours and decided to have an official Library Opening Ceremony! I was number 8 to speak on the program, and everything was getting started in about 20 minutes!

All of the students were asked to bring their classroom chairs out into the open area used for assemblies. A hodge podge of “nicer” chairs were lined along the buildings veranda for the VIPs, which is where they told me I needed to sit. The people in attendance were the students, teachers, the head and deputy head teachers, a pastor, three community members that sit on the school committee, and me. Every person who spoke, from the pastor to the librarian to a former student now committee member, thanked me for the library. It quickly turned into a praise Zodwa hour, which made me very uncomfortable. Other organizations and volunteers have brought books to schools just to find them a year later still in the boxes! I am very grateful to have a school that is willing to put in the effort and time to create a library, not just hoard books. It was THEIR hard work, and THEIR commitment to the project, and THEIR cooperation that made the library successful. This is exactly what I told them when it was my turn to speak.

Actually, after giving the necessary and culturally expected greetings to those assembled, I opened with a section of a speech I gave at my own 8th grade graduation ceremony. About how my grandfather would say that, “Education is the building blocks of your future”, thus every book they read and every test they study for will create stronger and stronger cement blocks for their future. Then I told them that it was their work that created the library, and they all were a blessing in my life (the pastor had previously given a sermon on blessings). I had received a 2011 planner from Macmillan during sorting, and I had given it to the librarian earlier that morning for all of her hard work. She gave it back to me and asked me to give it to her during the event in front of everyone! Then she acted shocked when I called her up and gave it to her!! Ha ha. As always, a prayer and a song closed the assembly just as it had opened it.

The librarian then gave the guests a tour of the new library and the head teacher asked if they could break one of the library’s rules and eat at the tables inside. After looking to me for advice, the librarian consented. A feast of chicken, rice, beet root, coleslaw, and Fanta were then served to us by the teachers. I was not allowed to take my plate in the kitchen where I happened to be standing, but instead had to go to the library and have it delivered to me. After a delicious meal the guests left but the party had only just begun. The teachers did not wish to teach their final classes for the day so they had a dance party! It was fun to celebrate with them, instead of being an honored guest.

I look forward to the completion of the other two schools’ libraries as well. Although, I hope their celebrations are after I’m up in Mbabane. :-)

**One teacher asked for my camera at the beginning of the event and appointed himself photographer.

A before shot of the library. Taken December 2010.

Working with the awesome teachers at Makhava to get the books processed. Look in the back of the photo at the student "working" on the library. The students were soooo excited for the library to open!

Finished Library!

Official Library Opening Event

Partying with the teachers after the event!

Last Days as a “Professional Artist”

June 15, 2011

Laura, Brandon, and I realized that we still had quite a bit of paint left from all of our amazing bus stop murals. Thus, we decided to paint some more stuff!! In the last couple of weeks we have finished a couple more bus stops, one preschool, and one NCP (Neighborhood Care Point- aka preschool with kitchen). We certainly have grown quite a bit in our artistic abilities in two years. I would never have guessed coming in that painting bus stops and schools was going to be a highlight of my Peace Corps experience. I think these final before and after pictures express better how just a little bit of paint can transform a learning environment.



Friday, June 17, 2011


Wednesday June 15, 2011

As you may know, Peace Corps is giving me a roundtrip ticket to the USA for a month leave before I start my third year extension in Mbabane with Baylor!! Surprisingly enough, that time is quickly approaching! I have actually been in Africa two whole years?? Wow. Anyway, I have not gotten my exact flight itinerary but I’m pretty sure I will be getting on a plane in Swaziland on the 20th of July and landing back in Swaziland on the 23rd of August. Thus, I will most likely be on American soil from July 21st to August 21st. I CAN’T WAIT!!!

And neither can my mother. :-P She has already been on top of scheduling many amazing activities and family gatherings during that period… now it is your turn! Being as excited as I am to drive again, I have already planned to road trip to certain cities in Michigan. If I’m in your area, PLEASE let’s make plans! If I have not yet scheduled a weekend in your area, I might just want to drive there too or Traverse City visits are ALWAYS possible and encouraged! I have missed you all so damn much!!!

Draft Travel Schedule:

Saginaw & Tri-Cities Area: Last weekend in July
Grand Rapids: 1st weekend in August
Chesaning/Flint/Saginaw: 2nd weekend in August
*Unless noted above, I will be in Traverse City. My “weekends” are very fluid and can start as soon or end as late as need be to accommodate your less flexible schedule.

Already Booked Days**:

Saturday – Monday July 23rd –July 25th
Saturday & Sunday August 6th-7th
Friday & Saturday August 12th-13th
Sunday –Wednesday August 14th-17th
**Evenings may or may not still be available. Check with me. :-)

Now if you are thinking to yourself, “I really want to hang out with Darryn, but what should we do?” fear naught. :-) Here is a partial list of the many fun things that I would LOVE to do while I’m back in the states!

Play Tennis
Roller Blade
Bike Ride
Swim / Beach Day
Bonfire & S’more Night
Tour Wineries
Enjoy a good micro-brewed beer in public
Movie and Popcorn at a Cinema
THEATRE!! (I know this is a slower time of the season for shows, but if anyone knows of something on during this time PLEASE tell me!! I’m going through major withdrawals!)
BBQs (known in Swaziland as a Braii)
Girly Pampering
Clothes Shopping (I’m not a big fan of this, but it needs to happen. HELP!)
Sitting on a comfy couch in a coffee shop sipping liquid yumminess
Stay out past dark (in general)
Joy Rides/Road Trips (I’ll drive!!)
Hot Dog at a Base Ball Game (GO Beach Bums!)
But mostly: VISIT AND CATCH UP WITH YOU!!!! I don’t care when or where, but this has to happen!

Spot the Differences

June 15, 2011

Let’s play a game. Pretend you are in a doctor’s or a dentist’s office and you pick up the Highlights Magazine that has been sitting there for about 8 years. You open to the best page in the entire publication, “Spot the Differences”, and you find these photos. How many do you see?

Painted May 18th – Fixed May 19th

Painted June 13th – Not fixed = Learned Our Lesson!

Having trouble finding the two biggest differences?
Hint 1 : Jesus was WHAT?
Hint 2 : Who’s hiding behind the backpack?

Yes, PCVs can make mistakes. Three of us painted that first stop and MANY people walked by and read it. NONE of us caught it until a phone call that night from a friend in the Lavumisa Police Department. Bright and early the next day we were out there fixing it. The second bus stop with the same message was our final mural on the MR11. Let’s just say we were pretty paranoid about what we were chalking before the paint went on. :-P

PS I found 6. (Font, colors, # of panels, bags’ location, and 2 PCV bloopers) :-P