Friday, June 17, 2011

Spot the Differences

June 15, 2011

Let’s play a game. Pretend you are in a doctor’s or a dentist’s office and you pick up the Highlights Magazine that has been sitting there for about 8 years. You open to the best page in the entire publication, “Spot the Differences”, and you find these photos. How many do you see?

Painted May 18th – Fixed May 19th

Painted June 13th – Not fixed = Learned Our Lesson!

Having trouble finding the two biggest differences?
Hint 1 : Jesus was WHAT?
Hint 2 : Who’s hiding behind the backpack?

Yes, PCVs can make mistakes. Three of us painted that first stop and MANY people walked by and read it. NONE of us caught it until a phone call that night from a friend in the Lavumisa Police Department. Bright and early the next day we were out there fixing it. The second bus stop with the same message was our final mural on the MR11. Let’s just say we were pretty paranoid about what we were chalking before the paint went on. :-P

PS I found 6. (Font, colors, # of panels, bags’ location, and 2 PCV bloopers) :-P

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the time that I used an f instead of an l (I couldn't read my translator's handwriting) and accidentally said something about testing causing a grammatically incorrect way. Haha.
