Thursday, September 8, 2011

There Goes the Neighborhood

Wednesday September 7th, 2011

I am sitting on my couch, after taking a real shower, and conversing with my English speaking roommates about the 9-5 jobs we all recently started. Hard to believe this is still Swaziland.

Although, it didn’t take me long to realize that it wasn’t America anymore. Two weeks ago tomorrow I opened the door to my apartment, after a brutal 36 hour / 3 continent trip, to find stacks of tiles, cement, a pile of ripped up carpet, a broken window, and two men welcoming me back. After months and months of discussions with the government run organization in charge of renting out these apartments and multiple promises that all of the renovations and necessary fixes would be completed by my move-in date, I found out all the work started one day before I arrived. I was exhausted. I was homeless. I REALLY missed America. Things like this just don’t happen in the fantastical land I had played in for a month. Damn Swaziland. Humph.

Luckily, I have awesome friends who put me up for the night with a bottle of wine (three sips of which and I was unconscious), a bed, and a snuggie(yup, care package items to Africa are crazy). Supposedly the gentlemen working in my apartment were going to be finished the following day… which then became the day after that at 1pm…. which turned into just after 3pm on Saturday. By 6:30pm I, 2 saints masquerading as my friends, and an awesome Peace Corps driver had carried all of our bags and furniture (4 PACKED trips in a good sized truck) up 3 flights of stairs into my new home.

Laura and Brandon** missed out on all of that fun, but certainly had plenty waiting for them when they landed in Swaziland the following day, Sunday. The subsequent few days’ activities included intense unpacking, cleaning, furniture arranging, household item shopping, and general nesting. Our efforts really paid off, because now this apartment is by far my favorite place in Swaziland… just don’t tell my hut. :-P

For me, work started on the 2nd of September. I guess I have not done an adequate job of describing my new position, because of many inquires while I was home. Summarized: I organize and put on support groups for HIV+ teens (10-19) at 4 different sites around the country. These support groups are called “Teen Clubs” and include games and activities, an educational topic and lesson, and food before the youth return to their homesteads. Baylor, the medical university in Texas, has clinics in multiple African countries to aid in the treatment of maternal and pediatric HIV and associated illnesses. Teen Clubs and a handful of other smaller programs I’m working on are a part of Baylor’s psychosocial support initiative. My official title is Teen Club Coordinator, and I will manage all other volunteers that come to Baylor to assist with our youth programs. In Swaziland, this program is just about a year old with lots of opportunity to develop and expand. After the first few days on the job, I’m as excited as ever to be a part of that growth.

I hope everyone enjoyed Labor Day! Monday I was working, but here everyone got September 6th off for Somhlolo Day (Independence Day). There weren’t any fireworks or huge national events, but everyone enjoys taking a day off of work. I celebrated Swaziland’s end to British colonization by going for a hike with a few other friends up Sibebe Rock, which is a famous mountain very near the capital city. Unlike my previous Swazi abode location, I am up in the mountains where temperatures stay cooler and not every plan has two inch thorns. The views were beautiful, and the rock climbing was quite adventurous. Happy Independence!!

So, all in all, I have to say I’ve had a pretty productive first couple weeks back on the African continent. Even with the rocky start (and end ;-) CORNY!!), I’m glad to be back and continuing my service in Swaziland. I think it is where I’m supposed to be, for now.

**Honestly, the BESTEST roommates EVER!

Move-In Day Pictures


Living/Dining Room (and Laura and Brandon's Bed)


A beer with the awesome roommates in our new apartment on our first night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous!!! Also, I might come visit you guys sometime in the next couple months. I'll keep you posted. :)
